How Much Serious is Your Atheism?
Do you die for your atheism?
Do you die to save the life of an atheist?
Do you prevent when an atheist is beaten?
Do you divorce?
Do you marry with an atheist only for atheism?
You have learnt that your wife said that she has been an atheist, is a theist; what do you do?
You have learnt that your riend said that she has been an atheist, is a theist; what do you do?
Do you leave your child(ren)?
Do you accept to loose your job?
Do you accept to go to exile?
Do you accept to leave your city / home?
Do you leave your school?
Do you talk about your atheism with untolerant theists?
Do you accept to be a member of an atheist (democrat) party?
Do you donate to such a party?
Do you accept not to be buried after your death?
Do you accept no ceremony after your death?
Do you accept having no grave?
Do you accept to be friend with someone only because of she is an atheist?
Do you hire somenone only because of she is an atheist?
List goes on.
You may answer all and add new ones.
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