Saturday, December 24, 2011

Confessions of an Atheist

I hate Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. I hate their inquisition, cihad, crusade, zionism, and lies.

I do not believe in when a Christian or a Muslim or a Jews says that she is tolerant to atheists.

I especially hate Popes. They look like me creepy creatures.

I did not feel happy when a Turkish man shot a Pope in 1981.

I felt happy when an alive-bomber entered into UK consulate in 2003 and exploded. I respected suicider. I was too near to happening, about 20 metres. I have survived with a few seconds. I have seen, even touched the bomb vehicle.

I like aggression and violence. They look me like self-defence. I live in a country and town with ordinary violence. I see every kind of violence everyday. I do not care. It is normal to me.

To me wars will continue about 500 years more.

To me religions will continue for ever. Non-religious kind of man will be post-human or homo sapiens (N). I hope it to realize in 5.000 years at most.

As a futurologist, I see increasing wars between 3 one godded religions.

I do not care Asian religions. But 3 Gandhi’s assassination by the peace defender religious people, make me laugh.

I feel more than sympathy to taoism, not as a religion, but as a logic / dialectical systematic. Confuciusism seems to me conformism. I do not like conformists.

I do not care about animists, paganists, etc. They are more than 1 billion and they will increase in the future.

I don’t think a real atheistia will be founded. So I imagine atheist communes only. I can’t found such a thing. I am too old for this. So I only imagine.

I write about atheism, but do not talk. I do not like to talk to people less intelligent and having less knowledge then me, even they are atheists. Turkish atheists are very ignorant and too stupid.

After all these lines, I am not an übermensch defender. I only see that evolution and history way bifurcates. I select the way going to future. I.e. futurology is more important to me than atheism.

I am an auto-anarchist. I destroyed all my life. I only read and wrote books. Now after a half of a century, I am finished.

I am sure that I will not meet with anyone from atheistnexus. Indeed I do not want either. This is only a voice in the syberspace.

I hope you will have happy lives. Thank you your patience against me.

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